func CapFilt(xS) 'isolate punctuation so when we look for key words they don't interfere local b, i b=" " if len(xS) for i= 1 to len(xS) if asc(mid(xS,i,1))>64 and asc(mid(xS,i,1))<91 then b=b+mid(xS,i,1) fi next fi CapFilt=ltrim(b) end rem Punc palindrome test.bas, in SmallBASIC, B+ input "enter palindrome test text: ",t test=CapFilt(ucase(t)) print "'";test;"'" mirror=" " for i=1 to (len(test)) mirror=mid(test,i,1)+mirror next i mirror=rtrim(mirror) print "'";mirror;"'" if mirror=test then print t;" is palindrome." else print t;" is not palindrome."